And so we unfortunately come to the final part of dinner with Phil Walker-Harding, Sushi master, Gizmologist, and Bärentrainer. Today we bounce around the subject of newer games, roll-and-writes, and legacy-style games.

Welcome to the penultimate portion of my parlay with the pinnacle of pleasantness, Phil Walker-Harding. The sushi is mostly eaten, much to my chagrin, and my post-prandial brain is bouncing between topics like no one’s business. Starting with pandemics, conventions, and the return to normality.

Welcome back to the second half of a futuristic data-driven dinner with the master of elegant light gaming, Phil Walker-Harding. Most of the food is eaten, and we are chatting about deck building, early design work, and the encroaching usefulness of digital tools in board gaming. Truly ironic, given I am having sooo many connection …

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