Welcome back to dinner with Sagrada designer Daryl Andrews. We have jumped the border into Ontario, Canada, from the quiet calm of The Gathering of Friends convention in Niagara Falls, NY. The Tide and Vine restaurant was kind enough to supply us an entire Tower of Seafood, which we felt obligated to devour. Duty calls.

And so here it is, the final installment of dinner with Christian T. Petersen during GenCon 2021. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous having a meal with one of the biggest influences on the hobby, the personification of boardgaming buisness. But Christian was affable, charismatic, delightful, and well… downright goofy. I truly …

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Welcome back to dinner with Christian T. Petersen, founder of Fantasy Flight Games, designer of Twilight Imperium, and a pretty goofy dude. Dinner is winding down, the plates have been cleared, and negotiations over coffee are about to commence.

Welcome back to steak dinner with true board game magnate Christian T Petersen. I know I have used the term “magnate” before, but it just fits so well. We are at Weber Grill in Indianapolis, during GenCon 2021, just hanging, talking business. It is a strange juxtaposition for me, as I know quite a bit …

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During GenCon 2021 I was lucky enough to bump into Fantasy Flight founder and former Asmodee CEO Christian T. Petersen, ask him to go to dinner, and have him actually agree. And given someone so foundational in the industry, I had a surprisingly good time with this goofy board game magnate.

Welcome back to dinner with Donald, Dining with Dominion, Dishing about deck building. This week, we are talking about how Infiltration came to be, some publishing and contract stories, and of course Dominion.

And now, it is sadly time for the last segment of my interview with tabletop game designer, video game designer, philosopher, Tim Fowers. We are both happily full, I am reasonably caffeinated, and the welcome warmth of the Utah sun lures me to ramble in streams of semi-consciousness.